What do you get when you take 2 baby & child safety experts from prestigious Bay Area hospitals, add in being parents of 4 children, add a huge pour of car seats & baby proofing, then shake it up with a love of teaching and working with parents? beep! beep! car seat & baby proofing that’s what!
We spent years running childhood injury prevention programs at hospitals in the Bay Area. Literally trying to keep kids out of hospitals by preventing their injuries via education with their parents/caregivers. And we love teaching and sharing our knowledge with anyone willing to listen. Proudly wearing the badge of child safety expert on our sleeves.
We live and breathe child safety (much to our children’s chagrin) and love the work we get to do with each of you. From teaching parents to grandparents to nannies, the connections we make fill up our buckets. Seeing those “ah ha!” moments never gets old as we teach about car seats and baby proofing. Oh and did we mention we fell in love, got married, and blended our families along that way? Yeah, that happened too (about 5 years ago).
We love this work! Knowing we are helping parents/caregivers keep their precious little one’s safe is what drives us. Our goal - empower you as parents! Our mission - to educate parents & caregivers with connected, meaningful child safety education.
— Ben & Karli, Founders & Car Seat/Baby Proofing Experts
This is Us ———>