Our Car Seat
Each of our car seat technicians are nationally certified child passenger safety technicians (CPSTs) with extensive car seat experience. In addition, each one is also a parent! This gives our techs practical, firsthand experience in the car seat world. You’ll leave your appointment feeling confident that you can install your child’s car seat correctly each and every time.
Virtual Car Seat Check
Get your car seat checked with your smartphone or tablet!
A nationally certified car seat technician (CPST) will visually inspect your child’s car seat and:
Teach you how to install the car seat in your specific vehicle
Go over how to correctly harness and buckle your child
Learn important steps for bringing baby safely home from hospital
Learn about necessary adjustments as your child grows
Discuss common car seat errors
And go over the next steps for your child
By the end of your appointment, you will be confident that you can install your child’s car seat safely each and every time. Each appointment takes approximately 45-60 minutes and covers 1 car seat (infant seats with 2 bases count as 1 car seat). If you have more than 1 car seat, please book an additional appointment. This option works with 1 person, but is best with 2 people present (one to hold the phone, iPad, or other device and one to install the seat).
*Certificate of completion provided for expectant parents to present to hospital or birthing center.
Monday – Sunday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
Anywhere in the world!
pop-up Fitting Station (In-Person)
Needing an in-person hands-on appointment? We’ve got you covered. Our COVID-19 vaccinated staff will work with you while wearing face makes, gloves, and maintaining social distance as we walk you through all aspects of your little one’s car seat.
A nationally certified car seat technician (CPST) will visually inspect your child’s car seat and:
Teach you how to install the car seat in your specific vehicle
Go over how to correctly harness and buckle your child
Learn important steps for bringing baby safely home from hospital
Learn about necessary adjustments as your child grows
Discuss common car seat errors
And go over the next steps for your child
By the end of your appointment, you will be confident that you can install your child’s car seat safely each and every time and will have a better understanding of new car seat technology and safety. Each appointment takes approximately 45 minutes and covers 1 car seat in the primary caregivers’ vehicles (infant seats with 2 bases count as 1 car seat).
*Certificate of completion provided for expectant parents to present to hospital or birthing center.
Once a month
Marin County - San Rafael, CA
Santa Clara County - Campbell, CA
Santa Clara County - Mountain View, CA
Car Seat Concierge Service (limited availability)
How does in-person car seat concierge service brought directly to your home or workplace sound? beep! beep! car seat can make that happen.
A nationally certified car seat technician (CPST) will inspect your child’s car seat and:
Teach you how to install the car seat in your specific vehicle
Go over how to correctly harness and buckle your child
Learn important steps for bringing baby safely home from hospital
Learn about necessary adjustments as your child grows
Discuss common car seat errors
And go over the next steps for your child
By the end of your appointment, you will be confident that you can install your child’s car seat safely each and every time. Each appointment takes approximately 45-60 minutes. We can accommodate up to 1 car seat total (1 infant seat with 2 bases counts as 1 car seat). Additional car seats are $49 per seat. We serve families throughout the SF Bay Area in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, & Sonoma counties.
Limited availability
Home, workplace, hospital, etc.
SF Bay Area only
Virtual Car Seat Check for grandparents
Car seats have changed a TON since your children were little and grandparents need car seat education too! Especially if you’ll be regularly seeing your darling grandchildren. With a virtual car seat check, our patient car seat professionals will cover everything you need to know.
A nationally certified car seat technician (CPST) will visually inspect your child’s car seat and:
Teach you how to install the car seat in your specific vehicle
Go over how to correctly harness and buckle your child
Learn important steps for bringing baby safely home from hospital
Learn about necessary adjustments as your child grows
Discuss common car seat errors
And go over the next steps for your child
By the end of your appointment, you will be confident that you can install your child’s car seat safely each and every time and grandma/grandpa will have a better understanding of new car seat technology and safety. Each appointment takes approximately 45 minutes and covers 1 car seat (infant seats with 2 bases count as 1 car seat).
Monday – Sunday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
Anywhere in the world!
Car Seat Advice Line
Let’s go shopping! Unable to decide on which car seats to buy for your little bun in the oven? Never fear, we are here! With over 25,000+ car seats installed, we’ve seen all kinds of vehicle and car seat combinations.
Make an appointment for a phone call with a certified expert to go over your vehicle, child’s needs, and budget. We can best help you determine which car seat will fit best in your vehicle, including best ease of use and one with the most advanced safety features.
Got Kids? We can help you figure out which seats will fit three across!
Have a hand me down car seat? We can go over that seat with you too! We will check to see if it’s been recalled or is expired, whether all the equipment and parts are present, and more. If there is an issue with the seat, we will provide you with manufacturer information if applicable or give you advice on shopping for a new seat.
Please note: This session will not cover installation, harnessing and next steps. We do offer that help with our virtual car seat installations! See info above about how to schedule.
Monday – Sunday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
Anywhere in the world!