Infant Safe Sleep

As parents of 4 young children, we’ve been through the phase of infanthood where your concentration seems to fall on one thing: getting your little one to sleep as long as possible. We get it; you’re sleep deprived, exhausted, probably in need of a shower.  We’ve been there - read the books, followed the expert advice, and performed the relaxing nighttime routines, etc. all in an effort to get little one to sleep and to sleep as long as possible.  

 The good news…the sleepless nights will pass! They really will. The hard news to hear, sleep for some babies can be dangerous. Approximately 10 babies die from SIDS/SUIDS each day.  2/3 of all unintentional injuries are sleep related. And as horrible as that statistic is, there are many things you can do to reduce your baby’s risk.

infant safety tip sheet

The American Academy of Pediatrics has many resources on safe sleep and much more.  You can view their sleep safety page here.

 For more safety tips or to learn more about car seat inspection or baby proofing, visit